There are two equinoxes a year: one in the spring and one in autumn. Equinoxes are the two times of year when the Earth’s axis is upright, meaning there is almost an equal amount of daylight and darkness. The autumnal equinox, also known as Mabon in the Pagan tradition, occurs on September 22, 2024. There are many themes related to the autumnal equinox, and many reasons to mark this date. Today, we’ll be exploring how to celebrate the autumnal equinox as an artist. These are all just suggestions, so take what resonates with you and leave the rest behind.

Celebrate the “harvest”
Take a moment to think about what you’ve grown and “harvested” over the last six months. I’m not talking about literal crops, although if you’ve grown a garden in this time, that should absolutely be celebrated. When I say “harvest,” I’m referring to the creative projects that have taken shape over this time period. Take a moment to think about how you’ve tended to your creative life since the spring equinox.
Get a piece of paper and make a list of all the things that have come to fruition. It doesn’t just have to be projects that were completed; it can also be lessons you’ve learned, self-care practices you’ve engaged in, inspiration you’ve collected, experiences you’ve had, and skills that you’ve developed. Take the opportunity to say thank you to yourself and to the past six months for bringing all of this abundant creativity into your life.
Look forward
You can also use this opportunity to look into the future. What do you want to accomplish by the next equinox? Like with the harvest celebration, this doesn’t purely have to be projects you want to complete. Think about all the things you can do that will help you grow as an artist during this time. If travel inspires you, can you plan a trip? If you want to branch out your creativity, can you sign up for a class or workshop? If you want to feel more connected to nature, can you organize a few seasonal hiking trips? Remember, art is something that happens in tandem with your life, not in spite of it. When setting goals, not only should you be planning projects you’re excited about, you should be paying attention to the ways in which you can fill your creative cup.
Write a letter to yourself from the future. Date it with the upcoming spring equinox and thank yourself for accomplishing all of these things during the fall and winter. Give specific examples of how you feel now that you’ve accomplished these goals. Then stick it in a safe place and revisit in six months to reflect on what you’ve achieved.
Autumnal equinox cleaning
We all know about spring cleaning, but the autumnal equinox represents a turning point as well. Take the opportunity to clean your home or your workspace. I like to wipe down every surface of my office, put away the materials that inevitably get strewn about, sweep my floors, and then burn incense and light candles to bless the space for the next six months. To invite in the season of fall, you could burn cinnamon incense, diffuse fir or pine essential oil, light an apple or pumpkin candle, or brew a cup of spiced tea.
Once your space is clean, create an altar. It doesn’t have to be fancy; mine is on my bookshelf. I like to invite in each of the elements. I display a small bowl of water, an unlit candle, a stick of incense or a feather, and a stone or a bowl of soil. Next, present an offering. This could be a flower or leaf you picked outside, a blend of salt and herbs, or something else small. Leave it there and welcome in the season of fall. Now your space is ready for what’s to come!
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