Artist date ideas to inspire you

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If you’re an artist or creative person of any kind, artist dates can be essential. Artist dates, simply put, are dates you take yourself on, time you set aside to nurture your creativity. Some are focused on specific artistic actions, while others prioritize new experiences, playfulness, or intentionality. They were popularized by Julia Cameron’s classic book The Artist’s Way, and they’ve made their way into the lives of so many artists; I remember teachers assigning artist dates in acting and writing classes, as well as artists I admire telling me about their weekly artist dates. They’re a great thing to incorporate into your schedule as a regular part of your life, so today I’ve put together a list of artist date ideas.

Why do artist dates?

There are many reasons why creative people should be doing artist dates. Regular artist dates keep your creativity feeling fresh and alive. They make it easier to move past creative blocks, help you find inspiration, make sure you’re prioritizing your creativity even when you’re busy or overwhelmed, give you new experiences that may inspire you and teach you to look at the world in a new way. I think of regular artist dates as essential self-care for creatives. Even if you’re skeptical about their use, I challenge you to pick one item off this list of artist date ideas and try it out in good faith. You may be surprised at how invigorated and ready to create you feel after setting aside that time for yourself.

25 at home artist date ideas

  1. Tear out a page from a magazine or newspaper and create a blackout poem
  2. Watch a movie in a genre you don’t typically watch
  3. Go to the random page generator on Wikipedia and learn about three new things you’ve never heard of before
  4. Create a mandala (even if you don’t know how to draw)
  5. Try a short meditation for creativity
  6. Cook something you’ve never cooked before
  7. Write a love letter to yourself
  8. Create a playlist for your latest creative project
  9. Use Canva to create a moodboard for your latest creative project
  10. Create a collage using magazines, newspapers, and printed photos
  11. Create a vision board for your year
  12. Create a Pinterest board of photos that inspire you
  13. Read an advice column and think about how you–or the characters in your stories–would deal with the described situations
  14. Research a vacation destination you’ve always wanted to visit and plan an imaginary trip
  15. Follow along with a Youtube paint tutorial for a DIY paint and sip experience
  16. Have a solo dance party
  17. Revisit a hobby you had as a child; legos, puzzles, coloring books, play-dough, etc
  18. Have a dress-up party and see how many outfits you can create using one or two of your favorite pieces of clothing
  19. Learn a new skill online, like creating latte foam art, doing simple car maintenance, or even learning a new language with an app like Duolingo
  20. Rewrite the lyrics of your favorite breakup song to be from the other person’s perspective
  21. Look up your astrology birth chart, do some research, and see if anything resonates with you
  22. Look at some classic paintings online and then create a piece of art (visual or written) based on them
  23. Watch a short film from an independent creator on Youtube and then journal about it
  24. Take pictures of things around the house from unusual angles and see what you can create
  25. Put on some music, pour yourself your favorite beverage, and look through old photographs of your travels, childhood, and/or friends

25 community artist date ideas

  1. Go to a thrift store and create a complete outfit for $20 or less
  2. Go to a store and try on clothes that are totally outside of your comfort zone
  3. Go to your favorite coffee shop alone and spend some time making notes about what you see, hear, and taste
  4. Browse at an independent bookstore and see what inspires you, even if you’re not a big reader
  5. Visit a nearby town or neighborhood you’ve never been to before and take pictures of what you see
  6. Play tourist in your own town or neighborhood; sign up for a walking tour or visit all the most popular tourist attractions 
  7. Go for a walk in nature and take pictures/make notes of everything interesting you see
  8. Collect interesting leaves and flowers to take home and press in a book
  9. Visit a flea market and try to find items that inspire you
  10. Visit a farmer’s market with the goal of creating a new meal at home
  11. Try a new restaurant or cuisine you’ve never tried before
  12. Go to a movie theater by yourself
  13. Attend a local concert to experience a genre of music you don’t typically listen to
  14. Go to a local art gallery and make notes on what you see
  15. Take a class to learn a new skill
  16. Sit in a local park and write a poem, draw a picture, or write a journal entry based on what you see
  17. Visit an art supply store and pick out one inexpensive product to experiment with
  18. Visit a body of water and collect interesting stones or shells
  19. Go on a road trip with no destination or take the scenic route home from work
  20. Find a scenic location in your city and do a photoshoot of yourself or a friend
  21. Create the perfect itinerary for someone visiting your city for the first time and then try it out
  22. Visit a local plant or garden store and pick out something new for your home or yard
  23. Visit your library and check out a book about a topic you know nothing about
  24. Try a form of movement you’ve never tried before, like yoga, pilates, or martial arts
  25. Get up early to go bird watching
Molly Stein-Seroussi

Molly Stein-Seroussi


Molly is an author, screenwriter, blogger, and brand manager for New 32 Productions. They are passionate about sharing content that helps filmmakers live a more productive, informed, and well-balanced life. They live in North Carolina with their spouse and way too many dogs.

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