Themes in movies (and how to master theme in screenwriting)

Themes in movies (and how to master theme in screenwriting)

What are themes in movies, why do they matter, and how do you master them as a screenwriter? What are themes in movies? While the theme is often not stated explicitly, it’s arguably one of the most important aspects of a film. Oxford Languages defines a theme as “an...

Beginner podcast equipment and tips

Beginner podcast equipment and tips

Are you interested in starting a podcast, but don’t know where to start or what equipment you need? Today, New 32’s resident podcast queen, Charlie Monroe, has been kind enough to supply us with a list of beginner podcast equipment and tips. There are a lot of great...

Sanaa Kelley of Reel Foley Sound talks all things foley

Sanaa Kelley of Reel Foley Sound talks all things foley

Even if you haven’t heard of Sanaa Kelley, founder of Reel Foley Sound, you’ve heard her work. She is the foley artist on a massive, constantly expanding list of projects, from Only Murders in the Building to Ted Lasso to Shameless to Riverdale to basically everything...

Free filmmaking resource round-up: Audio edition

Free filmmaking resource round-up: Audio edition

Audio is one of the most important components of any film. Think, for a moment, of a film with dark lighting and poor visuals. Most people, though frustrated by this, would be willing to squint their way through the movie, piecing together what’s going on. But if the...

How to build a sound kit: sound equipment for film production

How to build a sound kit: sound equipment for film production

Written by Cecilia Keirstead What do I need in my sound kit?  What sound equipment for film production do I need? Story time: for years while I was in film school, I was afraid to touch equipment. Cinema cameras were confusing jumbles of parts and pieces, so what if I...

Scoring a movie

Scoring a movie

Curious about scoring a movie? We’re wrapping up post production on our feature film, Bernard Gets Famous, and we’ve learned so much from making this movie. One of the challenges of indie filmmaking is that there are a lot of skills you have to learn if you’re going...

Dutch angle shot: history and uses

Dutch angle shot: history and uses

The Dutch angle shot–which is also known as the Dutch Tilt, oblique angle, German angle, or canted angle–is a type of camera shot. When employing the Dutch angle, the camera is set at such an angle that the horizon line is tilted, not running parallel to the top and...

How to say no: your guilt-free guide

How to say no: your guilt-free guide

Have you ever committed to something you didn’t want to do just because you didn’t know how to say no?  I know I have. Saying no can be difficult. For some people, it almost feels impossible. The truth is, there’s an art to saying no, and while it can be a...

Low angle shot

Low angle shot

A low angle shot, simply put, is when the camera is positioned below the subject’s eye line. The camera points upwards towards the subject.  Why use a low angle shot? A low angle shot can convey a wide range of mood and emotion. It can be used to express...

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