Mindful Maker

Are you tired of harsh on-set working conditions, pay your dues culture, and gatekeepers telling you that you don’t have what it takes to make your indie film dreams a reality? We’ve got you. In The Mindful Maker, we lay out our philosophy and guidelines for making indie film a gentler, kinder, more inclusive space. We believe that making movies should be fun, and this free ebook lays the groundwork for you to make magic happen on your set.


Outlining Your Screenplay

The Mindful Maker


Branded Apparel

From Boom to Brilliance

Cinematic Lookbook 2023

Self Distribution Workbook

Educational Material

Why sharing
knowledge mattters

New 32 is a brand new indie film company, run by best friends who are as dedicated to the study and craft of filmmaking as they are to each other. Their philosophy is that if you prioritize fun and creativity on set, good films will follow. They’re extremely passionate about building kinder, inclusive, more ethical on set industry standards, and creating opportunities in the industry for women, LGBTQIA+ members, and underfunded filmmakers with big dreams! They’re creating an active and powerfully positive online community of filmmakers where they share tips, help filmmakers solve problems, and share behind the scenes stories with the goal of making film look doable, fun, and inviting.

Our Products

Making your movie, your way.

  • PIncrease access to film education
  • PMake your film making process easier. The more skills you’re able to master yourself, the more possible all your film making goals become. If you can become a multi-talented filmmaker, the less reliant on others you are. You can get by with smaller crews, and smaller budgets, and feel more confident in your own skills as a creator.

Representation in the film industry matters immensely because seeing individuals who resemble you thriving in the industry fosters a sense of belonging and aspiration. When the industry is predominantly depicted by a singular group, it limits the perception of who can participate, inadvertently creating barriers. By showcasing diverse talents succeeding and enjoying their work in film, people from all backgrounds can begin to envision themselves breaking those stereotypes and pursuing their own cinematic dreams with confidence.

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