Crystals are a great tool for everyday life. Even if you’re a major skeptic, they can still be of great use to you. I like to carry a smooth tumbled crystal in my pocket that I can fidget with when I need to calm down or focus. I like to put iridescent crystals on my desk to beautifully reflect light and make my space more beautiful. I specifically like to use crystals for creativity and writing. When I’m surrounded with beautiful crystals, it’s easier for me to feel focused, calm, and ready to work. While I personally believe that crystals carry the energy and meaning we assign to them, and picking any crystal you vibe with is a great way to get started, here are some crystals for creativity and writing that you can check out!

Blue crystals
The color blue is associated with the throat chakra, which controls communication. Since writing and creativity are forms of communication, a blue crystal could be exactly what you need if you’re having trouble expressing yourself clearly. Try a lapis lazuli, a blue fluorite, a blue topaz, or an amazonite store to help open your throat chakra and get your message across crystal clear.
Rose quartz
Rose quartz is a great all purpose crystal, and it’s easy to find; I keep a giant hunk of it on my desk. While rose quartz might seem like a strange pick for creativity, hear me out. This stunning pink crystal helps with relationships, kindness, mutual understanding, and promotes feelings of healing and self love. All of these things are key to creation! If your energy is more kind, compassionate, and balanced, your art will be as well. Self love and self compassion are an important part of the creative process, and rose quartz can help facilitate that. Let rose quartz be your reminder that it’s okay to make mistakes and to foster a feeling of love in your art.
This vibrant crystal is extremely energizing. It represents limitless possibilities, and can help with clarity of thought. All of this makes it a great crystal for creativity and writing. Before you begin your work, hold citrine in your hand and take a few deep breaths to feel a renewed energy and sense of motivation, or place it on your desk to remind yourself of the limitless possibilities that are available to you as you engage in the act of creation.
Your keywords for understanding the properties of moonstone are “inner peace” and “stability.” This gorgeous stone helps with calming anxiety, embracing change, connecting with the universe, and connecting with your intuition. In turn, this sense of regulation opens you up to make beautiful things. Moonstone is best kept on your bedside table or in the space where you meditate, as you can connect best with its energy during quiet moments.
Carnelian is associated with the sacral chakra, the chakra of creativity and sensuality. It boosts creativity, passion, and courage; all traits you need as an artist. Some people also say it helps mitigate feelings of jealousy, which is valuable as well if you’re prone to comparing yourself to others. Carrying a small carnelian stone in your pocket or wearing it as jewelry will help boost your creativity everywhere you go.
This radiant stone is sometimes called “the stone of transformation,” and for good reason. Its association with the third eye chakra makes it perfect for facilitating spiritual growth, protection against negative energies, and stimulating intuition and insight. Your art is transformative, and labradorite is the perfect stone to represent that and help you grow as you work on your creative projects.
If you’re a writer, check out our outlining ebook that will help you outline your project in a day. Designed for screenwriters, it also works well for novelists. And check out our blog for lots of tips for creatives of all kinds.